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10 Tips on How to Get Better at Football


Football, also known as American football, has a high skill ceiling. Whether you are a beginner just starting or a professional football player looking to refine your skills, there is always room for improvement on the football field.


In this article, we share easy tips on how to get better at football. Each tip offers practical advice to enhance your performance. Dive in and take your football skills to new heights.


1. Master the Basics


Before diving into advanced techniques, focus on mastering the fundamentals of football first. Here are the key areas to focus on:


  • Ball Handling: Practice throwing and catching the football with precision and accuracy. Work on different types of passes such as short passes, long passes, and spirals.

  • Running: Improve your speed and agility by practicing various running drills. Work on your footwork to enhance your ability to make quick cuts and changes in direction.

  • Blocking: Learn the proper techniques for blocking opponents to protect your quarterback and create openings for running plays.

  • Tackling: Practice safe and effective tackling techniques to bring down opponents without risking injury to yourself or others.


Incorporate drills for defensive skills, such as coverage and positioning, into your practice sessions for a more solid foundation. Learn how to position yourself to intercept passes and always be aware of your surroundings during live games. 


With great awareness, you can make an impact even if you don’t have the ball.


football training equipment


2. Train Consistently


Consistent training is what separates great football players from low performers. Create a training schedule that balances different aspects of your game, such as your fitness, tactical awareness, and technical skills. You can start with the basics to refine your fundamentals.


Drills, exercises, and game simulations are good training sessions. Don’t forget to warm up before sessions to prepare your muscles and cool down after sessions to aid recovery.


3. Analyze and Learn


After every game and training session, identify what you did well and areas for improvement. Reflect on key moments, such as defensive errors, missed opportunities, and successful plays.


You can also watch professional football matches. Pay attention to the team gameplay and study the techniques of the top players in your position. See how they position, make in-game decisions, and move without the ball. There may be patterns and strategies you can incorporate into your game.


4. Set SMART Goals


SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. By setting SMART goals, you create a clear roadmap for your football development. Here is how you effectively set and pursue SMART goals:


  • Specific: “Get better at football” is vague. Write a more specific goal, such as “Improve passing accuracy.”

  • Measurable: Establish criteria for success, such as “Complete a series of passing drills with an 80% accuracy rate.”
  • Achievable: It’s essential to challenge yourself, but you should assess your abilities and set goals within your reach. If an 80% accuracy rate is too difficult, lower the threshold and work your way up.

  • Relevant: Focus on areas that impact your performance most and align with your goals. If your position requires frequent passing, improving your passing skills is highly relevant.

  • Time-bound: Establish a timeline to create a sense of urgency. For example, you can say that you need to improve your passing accuracy within six weeks by practicing for 30 minutes every training session.


a youth football team on the sidelines


5. Seek Feedback


Feedback gives you an external perspective on your performance. Regularly ask your coach for an in-depth analysis of your performance, from your technique to your physical condition. 


You can also reach out to your teammates and football friends for insights. Try to ask those who are playing a similar position. For example, if you are a quarterback, you can ask a fellow quarterback for tips to improve your passing combinations.


Incorporate the insights and suggestions into your training sessions. For instance, if your coach suggests improving your footwork, dedicate extra time practicing footwork drills during exercises.


6. Work on Fitness


Physical fitness enhances your ability to execute your technical skills, maintain intensity throughout the game, and reduce the risk of injuries. Create a training plan with the following fitness components:


  • Cardio Sessions: Focus on both interval training and long-distance running.

  • Strength and Power Workouts: Target different muscle groups and incorporate both weight training and plyometrics.

  • Speed and Agility Drills: Do sprints and reaction drills.

  • Flexibility and Mobility Work: Try Pilates sessions, stretching routines, and yoga.


You can combine fitness and technical components in your practice sessions to maximize efficiency. You can also allocate specific days for fitness and technical skills if you want a more targeted approach.


7. Play Regularly


Playing real football games allows you to apply the skills and techniques you have practiced. It also helps you understand how to use these skills and techniques effectively during a match, which may contain unique factors that simulated exercises simply don’t have. 


Real games can significantly improve your decision-making and situational awareness.


Put yourself in a situation where you can play regularly. Join a local football team, whether competitive or recreational. Attend football camps and clinics. 


If you have access to school or club facilities, go there and play with different groups of people, even for just small-sided games.


8. Stay Mentally Sharp


By being mentally sharp, you enhance your ability to perform consistently, make smart in-game decisions, and manage the psychological demands of football. After all, football is as much a mental game as it is physical. Here are quick tips to develop mental toughness.


  • Improve Concentration: Visualize yourself performing in different football game scenarios to prepare yourself mentally for actual games. You can also incorporate mindfulness exercises and meditation into your practice sessions.

  • Manage Stress and Pressure: Deep breathing exercises can help calm you down, especially if you frequently play high-stakes football games. Use positive affirmations and remember your strengths to boost confidence and build mental resilience.

  • Handle Mistakes Constructively: Analyze mistakes to understand what went wrong. This way, you can avoid them in the future. See mistakes as learning opportunities, and don’t dwell on them negatively.


9. Take Care of Your Body


This is crucial to maintain your peak performance. Don’t forget to add rest days to your training schedule to prevent overtraining, reduce the risk of injury, and give time for your body to recover.


Proper nutrition is also important. Carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and adequate hydration provide the energy and nutrients you need for practice sessions, football games, and recovery periods.


10. Enjoy the Journey


Improving your skills is a journey that requires dedication, patience, and continuous learning. By enjoying your journey, you stay motivated and create a positive football experience.


There is more to football than just being technically skilled to score touchdowns. Celebrate camaraderie with your fellow football players, play a casual football game with your friends, and build strong relationships with your coaches, teammates, and other community members.


Position-Specific Football Training for a More Targeted Approach


Become a better football player by honing the fundamental skills and techniques required for your position. This targeted approach ensures that you can perform your role effectively and significantly contribute to the success of your football team. Here is an overview of football positions and the most important skills they need to train.



Key Skills

Training Focus

Defensive Lineman

Tackling, block shedding, strength

Tackling drills, block shedding techniques, strength training


Tackling, coverage, agility

Coverage drills, agility drills, tackling simulations

Defensive Back

Coverage, tackling, speed

Speed drills, coverage techniques, tackling drills


Passing, decision-making, footwork

Passing accuracy drills, decision-making simulations, footwork drillscrossing

Running Back

Ball security, agility, vision

Ball security drills, agility exercises, vision training

Wide Receiver

Route running, catching, speed

Route running drills, catching exercises, speed training

Offensive Lineman

Blocking, strength, footwork

Blocking techniques, strength training, footwork drills

Tight End

Blocking, catching, route running

Blocking drills, catching exercises, route running drills


Kicking accuracy, distance, consistency

Kicking accuracy drills, distance training, consistency practice



a football player training


Proper Football Equipment to Improve Performance


Play football with the right equipment to improve performance, ensure safety, and enhance your overall experience. Each piece of equipment plays a specific role in helping you perform. Here is a list of the most crucial equipment and how they help your play.


  • Helmet: Head protection and injury prevention.

  • Shoulder Pads: Upper body protection and shock absorption.

  • Cleats: Traction and stability on the field.

  • Gloves: Improved grip for catching and handling the ball.

  • Mouthguard: Teeth protection and injury prevention.

  • Compression Gear: Blood circulation improvement and muscle support.

  • Moisture-Wicking Apparel: Body temperature regulation and sweat management.

  • Structured Training Setups: Use training tools such as cones, ladders, and agility poles to optimize your training routine.


Structured Training Setups: Use training tools such as cones, agility ladders, or speed rings to optimize your training routine.


Get Better at Football with Sports Gear Swag


Improve your football skills by taking a multifaceted approach that encompasses technical skills, physical fitness, mental toughness, and appropriate equipment. 


At Sports Gear Swag, we have customizable football gear to fulfill all your equipment needs. Find apparel options such as custom football jerseys and pants to custom accessories such as football belts and hats, our collection has everything to help you reach your full potential. Equip yourself with the right gear and show up in style!

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