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Mastering Volleyball - How to Correctly Serve/Hit a Volleyball


Mastering the art of serving and hitting in volleyball isn't just about brute strength; it's about precision, technique, and consistency. You've got to pay attention to your positioning, grip, and the importance of your toss when serving. 

When it comes to hitting, your approach, timing, and footwork become vital. Are you curious about the specific techniques for different types of serves and hits? 

Stick around and we'll break down the mechanics of it all, helping you elevate your game to the next level.


A girl serving a volleyball


The Perfect Serve


Mastering the perfect serve starts with understanding the basics. You'll need to familiarize yourself with different types of serves, each with its unique advantages.


Success in serving is not merely a matter of power; it also demands precision, ensuring that each serve is executed with the exactitude necessary to achieve the intended outcome.


For instance, style and shoulder movement are crucial for effective hitting. Proper alignment of your hitting shoulder and fluid motion generates power and precision, reducing injury risk. Your unique style, including approach angle and arm swing, influences the hit's speed and trajectory.


Understanding the Basics


Before you can deliver the perfect serve in volleyball, it's crucial to understand the basic techniques and rules of the game.


Step Description Tips
1 Positioning Stand behind the baseline, feet shoulder-width apart
2 Grip Hold the ball in your non-dominant hand, palm open
3 Toss Lift the ball up, not too high, with a consistent toss
4 Strike Swing your dominant arm, hitting the ball with the heel of your hand
5 Follow-Through Your energy and momentum should carry you forward into the court


Mastering these steps will set you on the path to serving like a pro. Remember, practice makes perfect. 


A Volleyball player serving a volleyball


Types of Serves


In the domain of volleyball, there are several types of serves you can master, each with its unique advantages and techniques.


  • The underhand serve is the most basic, ideal for beginners learning how to serve in volleyball. It allows for more control over the ball's direction and speed.


  • The overhand serve, on the other hand, is a more aggressive move, requiring a higher skill level. It's often used in competitive settings due to its power and unpredictability.


  • The jump serve is an advanced technique that combines a jump and an overhand serve for a stronger impact.


Power and Accuracy


Ever wondered how to serve with both power and accuracy? It's all about technique and practice. 


Start with your stance feet shoulder-width apart, dominant foot slightly behind. For example, if you’re right-handed, put your left foot behind you for more stability and power.


As you throw the ball up, step into it, transferring your body weight forward. This gives your serve power.


Now, to hit a volleyball with precision, the key is in your hand contact. Strike the center of the ball with the heel of your hand - not your palm or fingers. This will give the serve a straight trajectory. Finally, follow through with your swing, pointing in the direction of your target.


Keep using these tips consistently and you'll soon master the perfect serve.


A man hitting a volleyball over the net


The Art of the Volleyball Hit


Let's point our attention to the art of the volleyball hit. You'll need to master the approach, comprehend the different types of hits, and improve your timing and anticipation.


These elements are essential in making your hit effective and unpredictable.


Hitting Skills


To master the art of the volleyball hit, you'll need to perfect your approach, an essential step that can greatly enhance your performance. It's all about timing and footwork. You start off slow, gradually picking up speed as you get closer to the net.


The last two steps are the most vital and should be the fastest and the most explosive. Your right arm swings back to generate momentum and then swings forward as you jump and hit the ball directly. 


In the air, your body should be open to the setter, elbow high, and ready to hit the ball.


a male player spiking a volleyball over the net


Types of Hits


Now that you've mastered the approach, it's time to explore the various types of hits you'll need to get familiar with.


First, there's the bump or forearm pass, used to pass the ball to a teammate or over the net. You'll need to bend your knees and hit the ball with your forearms.


The set, another important hit, involves overhead passing to set up an attack. Keep your fingers wide and contact the ball with your fingertips.


Your arm swing technique becomes critical when transitioning to more advanced techniques like the spike, where a powerful swing is essential for effective hitting.


The spike, or attack hit, is a powerful offensive move. You jump and hit the ball over the net but downward into the opponent's court.


Lastly, the block is a defensive hit used to stop the opponent's attack. With practice, you'll master these hits in no time.


Trivia: The fastest spike ever recorded was by Bulgarian player Matey Kaziyski, who smashed the ball at a blistering speed of 132 km/h (82 mph).


A male player getting ready to hit a volleyball


Techniques to Hit a Volleyball


Practice your hitting skills: 


  • Approach: Start with a quick three-step approach—left-right-left for right-handers or right-left-right for left-handers. The last two steps are quick and explosive, building momentum.


  • Jump: Use both arms to lift your body off the ground. Swing your hitting arm up to increase your height and reach over the net.


  • Hitting Arm Swing and Contact:


    • Draw back your hitting arm with your elbow high and your hitting hand open above and behind your head.

    • Swing your arm forward as you reach the peak of your jump, snapping your wrist to contact the ball at the highest possible point.

    • Contact the Ball: Hit the ball with the palm of your hitting hand, aiming for the top center of the ball.


  • Follow Through: After contact, continue your hitting arm motion downward and forward to transfer maximum power to the ball, directing it into the desired area of the opponent’s court.


A volleyball team preparing to defend a spike ball


Improving Timing and Anticipation


After getting a handle on the different types of volleyball hits, your next challenge is fine-tuning your timing and anticipation—key skills in truly mastering the art of the volleyball hit. 


It's not just about physical strength, but about being mentally agile too. You need to predict the ball's trajectory, respond swiftly, and strike at the precise moment.


Here are a few tips to improve your timing and anticipation:


  • Practice Makes Perfect: Regular drills can help hone your skills and increase arm strength.


  • Study Your Opponents: Understand their playing style and anticipate their moves.


  • Eye On The Ball: Keep your focus on the ball to predict its path and react accordingly.


A volleyball player about to hit a volleyball


How to Serve a Volleyball Using Drills


Solo Drills


To enhance your volleyball skills, consider participating in solo drills during workshops.


These exercises help you improve your control, precision, timing, and arm swing, which are essential for mastering various volleyball techniques.


Here are some solo drills you can try:


Wall Hitting Drill


Stand about two feet from a wall and hit the ball against it. This helps improve your aim and control and improves arm muscle memory.


Toss And Spike Drill 


Toss the ball into the air, then spike it down. It's a great way to practice your spiking technique.


In volleyball, left shoulder positioning plays a critical role for right-handed hitters (and vice versa for left-handed hitters). It should be pointed towards the net during the approach and rotation. 


This positioning of the hitting shoulder helps in opening up the body to the ball, ensuring proper alignment and balance, which are essential for generating powerful and accurate hits.


Additionally, it aids in the rotational force needed during the arm swing, contributing to the overall effectiveness of the spike.


Self-Pass Drill 


Toss the ball up, then pass it to yourself. This drill enhances your setting and hitting skills.


Remember to keep your focus and maintain a consistent rhythm during these drills.


Volleyball team doing drills


Team Drills


In the domain of team drills, workshops offer a fantastic opportunity to work on your volleyball skills. These workshops focus on enhancing team coordination, boosting morale, and enriching your serving and hitting techniques.


Check out the table below for an overview of what you'll learn:


Point Skills Drills Benefits
Serve Overhand serve, underhand serve Improved accuracy, power
Hit Spike, tip, roll shot Enhanced timing, control
Teamwork Rotation, communication drills Better coordination, understanding



A female volleyball player spiking the ball over the net


Essentials to Remember


So, it's your turn to step up your game now that you're equipped with the knowledge to serve and hit a volleyball correctly over the net.


But remember, mastering these skills requires not just understanding, but constant practice and dedication.


With the right gear and persistent effort, you'll soon notice improvements in your technique and overall performance. It's all about turning knowledge into action. 


Here are a few final reminders to help you on your journey:


  • Always warm up and stretch before starting. Volleyball is a high-intensity sport, and you don't want to risk injury.


  • Consistency is key. Make it a point to practice regularly. The more you do, the better you'll become.


  • Don't be too hard on yourself. It's okay to make mistakes. Learn from them and keep moving forward.


Did You Know? The "spike" in volleyball was originally termed a "kill" when a player hits the ball sharply downwards into the opponent's court. It's one of the most powerful offensive moves in the game.


A volleyball celebrating winning


It’s Your Time to Shine


To sum up, mastering serving, and hitting isn't just about power. It's about precision, technique, and consistency. Whether you're learning underhand, overhand, or jump serves, or perfecting your hitting approach, attention to detail is key.


This dedication enhances your skills and promotes overall wellness, making volleyball the ideal sport for maintaining physical health and mental sharpness.


So keep practicing, focus on your footwork, and never underestimate the importance of a solid grip and follow-through. Remember, every great volleyball player started somewhere, and with dedication, you'll continue to see improvements in your game.


Before you go, be sure to check out our collection of custom volleyball gear, jerseys, shorts and other training apparel. Volleyball can be an intense sport, show up on the court wearing the right gear so you can perform your best!


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